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Cabra College Angelico Centre


Adelaide, SA

The Project

The double storey Angelico Centre is home to art, design and tech studies within the grounds of Cabra Dominican College. Students can study woodwork, metalwork, art, design, media and technology in a spacious light-filled new facility. Construction consisted of a suspended bondek 1st floor slab with all slab beams and columns coated in vermiculilte and fire resistant board in order to meet fire rating certification. The ground floor is an impressive exposed aggregate polished concrete slab which was carefully managed and protected through the entire build process. This impressive build was constructed in the middle of the school campus while access to surrounding facilities was uninterrupted.

What we delivered

  • State-of-the-art building.
  • Polished concrete floors.
  • Expansive glazing for natural light.
  • Significant architectural feature canopy.